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About Katy Law

Helping women injured by abortion

Who We Are

The Katy Law Firm is dedicated to helping women who have been injured in an abortion.

That’s all we do. We understand the sensitive nature of what you have been through and the complexities of seeking legal justice in such matters. Your case is different from all other medical malpractice claims. That’s why we are different. Your case is different because it involves:
  • protecting your privacy and identity through the entire process of your claim and networking with the right medical professionals who understand your situation.

  • understanding the various types of procedures, medications, risks and complications, and taking the time to carefully review and analyze your medical records with that knowledge. We will do the heavy lifting so you don’t have to worry.

  • listening to your story, and giving you a voice and the respect you deserve.

So many women are afraid to seek the justice and compensation they deserve following harm from an abortion. They either try to convince themselves they are not harmed or the harm they are experiencing is the result of something else. Women may also be afraid to talk about their experience or hope the pain and complications they are experiencing will just go away. Sometimes women find out years after the abortion that they were injured or can no longer have children. Many women find themselves in the emergency room following an abortion; some will be required to have further surgery. But your voice deserves to be heard just as much as the individual who was harmed through another type of medical procedure. Many women are also afraid they cannot afford to pursue a lawsuit. But rest assured, you will pay no fees at all unless you receive a favorable recovery. We want to be there for you. We want to help you have a voice.

Get a Free Consultation

We are here to help women. Your privacy is assured. Tell us your story, we are ready to listen.